COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit
Prepared for clients of People2.0
To slow the spread of new variants of COVID-19, federal and state governments as well as
private employers across the United States have begun mandating the COVID-19 vaccine.
Currently, three vaccines are authorized and recommended to prevent COVID-19 in the
United States. All US adults and children over the age of 12 are currently eligible to receive
the Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Pfizer has received full FDA
approval while Moderna and Johnson & Johnson have emergency use authorization. As a
result, in the coming months, many employers are expected to require the COVID-19
vaccine as a condition of employment.
This toolkit was prepared to provide current best-practice guidance on vaccine mandates,
answer frequently asked questions, and provide forms for vaccine-related requests. This
toolkit is intended for general information only and should not be construed as legal
advice. Please contact your People2.0 representative or with any
vaccine-related questions or requests.
In this toolkit you will find:
▪ Best-practice guidance for reviewing client or state mandated vaccine requirements
▪ Current Federal and State vaccine-related mandates
▪ Emergency sick leave and vaccine leave laws
▪ Covid-19 vaccine FAQ
▪ Self-Certification of COVID-19 Vaccination Status Form
▪ Request for Religious Accommodation Form
▪ Request for Medical Accommodation Form
Best-practice guidance for reviewing client or state mandated vaccine requirements
Similar to standard employee screening requirements, People2.0 will follow state and local
guidance, as well as facility requirements for the COVID-19 vaccine. The worksite facility
where an employee is currently assigned or will be assigned will have the most up-to-date
requirements on what is required for workers entering their workplace. Because state and
local guidance on the vaccine is changing frequently, it is imperative for People2.0 clients to
work closely with each worksite facility to understand the vaccination requirements for
workers entering the facility.
If the COVID-19 vaccine is required for an employee by state law (see page 3), or by the
employee’s assignment, please follow the steps outlined below or work with your
People2.0 representative.
▪ If a client facility asks for the employee’s vaccination status, the Self-Certification of
COVID-19 Vaccination Status form should be provided to the employee. In addition
to the attestation, the client may request confirmation of vaccination status (e.g., a
copy of your vaccination card). This should be processed as required by each client.
▪ Employers are required to review accommodations for workers that are unable to
get the vaccine due to a medical condition or religious belief. If an employee
requests an accommodation to the vaccine requirement due to a disability,
employers may be required to engage in the interactive process as defined by the
Americans with Disability Act (ADA). In addition to a disability, employers will also be
required to review accommodation requests for an employee’s sincerely held
religious beliefs if the beliefs prevent the employee from taking a vaccine.
Additional information on the possible accommodations for employees that decline
the vaccine is available in the FAQs on page 5.
▪ If an employee requests an accommodation to the COVID-19 vaccine mandated by
law or the facility, the appropriate accommodation form from this toolkit should be
provided to employee.
▪ Once the completed accommodation form is returned by the employee, the
request may be reviewed with a representative or contact at the worksite facility -
preferably an HR representative.
▪ The client may review and determine available accommodations based on their
policies and understanding of available accommodations. If the client facility is
looking for suggestions on possible accommodations for a worker that cannot be
vaccinated, People2.0 representatives can suggest accommodations such as asking
the employee to wear a face mask, work at a distance from coworkers, telework (if
appropriate) and periodic tests for COVID-19.
As always, please engage your People2.0 representative with any questions or unique client
requests around the COVID-19 vaccine.
Current federal and state vaccine mandates
This chart is a broad summary of vaccination requirements in each state. Please work with
each client facility to ascertain the vaccination requirements for their facility. Please note,
individuals are considered “fully vaccinated” two weeks after completing the second dose
of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine or two weeks after receiving a single dose of a one-dose
vaccine, as approved by the FDA for use in the United States.
State Vaccine Mandated for
Federal | Federal government employees, contractors, and employees working in nursing homes must be vaccinated. Unvaccinated employees will be required to mask at all times, test weekly, and social distance. |
California | State workers and individuals working in healthcare settings must be fully vaccinated or receive their second dose by September 30, 2021. If an employee is not vaccinated for a qualifying reason, COVID-19 testing is required. |
Colorado | State workers must be fully vaccinated by October 31, 2021. |
Connecticut | Nursing home staff and employees working in long-term care facilities, must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, or must have received a first dose and have either received a second dose, have an appointment for the second dose, or must have been exempted from vaccination by September 7, 2021. |
Delaware | Effective September 30, 2021, state employees and long-term care and other healthcare facilities will be required to provide proof of vaccination or submit to regular testing. |
District of Columbia |
Government of DC employees and contractors must be fully vaccinated by September 19, 2021. All healthcare workers in DC must receive at least the first dose of a vaccine by September 30, 2021. |
Illinois | State employees and contractors must be fully vaccinated by October 4, 2021. Beginning September 5, all healthcare workers must be vaccinated or submit to weekly testing. |
Maine | Healthcare workers must be fully vaccinated by October 1, 2021. |
Maryland | Employees of Maryland hospitals and nursing homes must show proof of vaccination (first dose by September 1, 2021) or submit to regular screening and testing. |
Massachusetts | Employees working in non-state operated skilled nursing facilities must have received the first dose by September 1, 2021 and be fully vaccinated by October 10, 2021. |
Minnesota | State agency employees must be fully vaccinated by September 8, 2021 or submit to regular testing. |
Montana | Employers may not make the COVID-19 vaccine a condition of employment. |
Nevada | State employees who are not fully vaccinated must submit to weekly testing. |
New Jersey | Employees of state and private healthcare facilities must be vaccinated by September 7, 2021 or submit to weekly testing. |
New Mexico | Healthcare employees must receive the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by August 27, 2021 and their second dose, as needed, within 40 days of receiving the first dose. Employees with exemptions must submit to weekly testing. |
New York | Patient-facing healthcare workers at state run hospitals, and state employees must be vaccinated by September 27, 2021. |
Oregon | Healthcare workers will be required to be fully vaccinated by October 18, 2021 or six weeks after full FDA approval of a COVID-19 vaccine, whichever is later. |
Pennsylvania | Commonwealth employees in state healthcare facilities and high-risk care facilities must be fully vaccinated by September 7, 2021 or submit to weekly COVID-19 testing. |
Rhode Island | Employees at state-licensed healthcare centers must be fully vaccinated by October 1, 2021. |
Virginia | Effective September 1, 2021, state workers must show proof of vaccination or submit to weekly testing. |
Vermont | State employees who work with vulnerable populations must either be fully vaccinated or submit to regular testing. |
Washington | Most state employees, contractors, healthcare employees must be fully vaccinated by October 18, 2021. |
Emergency paid sick leave
Many states and local governments have passed emergency paid sick leave legislation
to cover employee absences due to COVID-19. Current COVID-19 specific emergency
paid leave requirements are summarized below.
State/City COVID-19 Specific Hours Available Expiration Date
California (state-wide) | Full-time worker: up to 80 hours Part-time worker: average hours |
October 1, 2021 |
Long Beach, CA | Full-time worker: up to 80 hours Part-time worker: average hours |
N/A |
Los Angeles, CA (City) | Full-time worker: up to 80 hours Part-time worker: average hours |
Two weeks after COVID-19 emergency declaration expires |
Los Angeles (County) | Full-time worker: up to 80 hours Part-time worker: average hours |
Two weeks after COVID-19 emergency declaration expires |
Marin County, CA | Full-time worker: up to 80 hours Part-time worker: average hours |
October 1, 2021 |
Oakland, CA | Full-time worker: up to 80 hours Part-time worker: average hours |
Expiration of COVID-19 emergency declaration |
Santa Rosa, CA | Full-time worker: up to 80 hours Part-time worker: average hours |
October 1, 2021 |
Sonoma County, CA | Full-time worker: up to 80 hours Part-time worker: average hours |
October 1, 2021 |
Colorado | Full-time worker: up to 80 hours Part-time worker: average hours |
Four weeks after COVID-19 emergency declaration expires |
District of Columbia* | Full-time worker: up to 80 hours Part-time worker: average hours |
February 4, 2022 |
Massachusetts | Full-time worker: up to 80 hours Part-time worker: average hours |
September 29, 2021 |
Pittsburgh, PA | Full-time worker: up to 80 hours Part-time worker: average hours |
July 29, 2022 |
New York | Full-time worker: up to 14 days Part-time worker: average hours |
N/A |
In addition to emergency COVID-19 sick leave, existing state and local paid sick leave laws
generally allow employees to use accrued paid sick leave for time missed due to the
employee’s own or a family member’s healthcare needs. A few states currently allow
employees to use accrued paid sick leave for unexpected closures of the workplace due to
a public health emergency, or closure of a child’s school due to a public
health emergency.
People 2 0’s State Employment Practices E-Guide outlines the requirement under each state
or local paid sick leave law. When an employee requests paid sick leave for a COVID-19
related reason, please review the e-guide to determine if paid sick leave is applicable to the
employee’s request.
COVID-19 vaccination leave
In addition to COVID-19 emergency sick leave, a few states and localities require employers
to provide workers time off to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Current COVID-19
vaccination leave requirements are summarized below.
State/City Vaccine PTO Hours Available Expiration Date
Los Angeles, CA | Full time workers – up to four (4) hours of leave per injection and up to 8 hours to recover from any vaccine related side effects. Part-time Worker: prorated based on the average number of hours worked in the 60 days preceding injection or recovery. |
September 30, 2021 |
Los Angeles County, CA (unincorporated areas) |
Full time workers – up to four (4) hours of leave per injection. Part-time Worker: prorated based on the average number of hours worked in the two weeks preceding injection. |
August 31, 2021 |
Chicago, IL | Reasonable unpaid time off for COVID vaccine. Employees may use other accrued time off. If vaccination is required by an employer, up to four (4) hours of paid time off per injection required. |
N/A |
Cook County, IL | Reasonable unpaid time off for COVID vaccine. Employees may use other accrued time off. If vaccination is required by an employer, up to four (4) hours of paid time off per injection required. |
N/A |
Nevada | Up to two (2) hours of leave per injection. | January 1, 2024 |
New York | Up to two (2) hours of leave per injection. |
December 31, 2022 |
COVID-19 vaccine FAQs
1. Is the COVID-19 vaccine available in the US?
Yes. Currently, three vaccines are authorized and recommended to prevent COVID-19 in
the United States. All US adults and children over the age of 12 are currently eligible to
receive the Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Pfizer has
received full FDA approval while Johnson & Johnson and Moderna have received
emergency use authorization.
2. Does People2.0 require all workers to receive the COVID-19 Vaccine?
No. Vaccination requirements are determined by state or local law and the employee’s
assignment. If the employee is not mandated by law or their assignment to provide
proof of their vaccination status, People2.0 will not require the COVID-19 vaccine.
3. Can employers ask workers about their vaccination status?
Yes, in most states, with some exceptions. Because the vaccine is widely available to
workers, under current EEOC guidance, employers may ask workers about their
vaccination status if they will be physically entering the workplace. However, the state
of Montana’s requirement defers from the general guidance at the federal level, which
is further explained in question 4.
4. Can employers refuse to hire workers that are not vaccinated?
Yes, where permitted by law and with some exceptions. If reporting to a physical
location is a requirement of the position, employers outside of the state of Montana
can require workers to be vaccinated as a condition of employment. The state of
Montana prohibits employers from discriminating against workers based on their
vaccination status. In addition to Montana, lawmakers in many states are introducing
legislation that would prevent employers from requiring the COVID-19 vaccine for
workers. However, as of today, Montana remains the only state where the vaccine may
not be used as a condition of employment. There are other considerations and
accommodation requirements for the COVID-19 vaccine covered in question 5.
5. What if an employee refuses the vaccine due to a disability or other protected reason?
If an employee requests an accommodation to the vaccine requirement due to a
disability, employers may be required to engage in the interactive process as defined by
the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). In addition to a disability, employers will also be
required to review accommodation requests for an employee’s sincerely held religious
beliefs or pregnancy, if either prevents the employee from taking the vaccine.
6. What are some examples of reasonable accommodations or modifications that
employers may have to provide to employees who do not get vaccinated due to
disability, religious beliefs, or pregnancy?
Based on guidance issued by the EEOC, an employee who does not get vaccinated due
to a disability covered by the ADA, pregnancy, or a sincerely held religious belief,
practice, or observance may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation. For example,
as a reasonable accommodation, an unvaccinated employee entering the workplace
might wear a face mask, work at a distance from coworkers, get periodic tests for
COVID-19 or be given the opportunity to telework. People2.0 partners should work
closely with their clients to review a reasonable accommodation for workers unable to
get the COVID-19 vaccine for one of the covered reasons above, and proactively engage
with People2.0’s Human Resource department.
7. Can current employees be terminated for refusing vaccinations? Are there any
positions or industries where this is allowed?
If a worksite has a mandatory vaccination policy for all workers, current employees
outside of the state of Montana who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine may be removed
from their assignment, unless an accommodation (as addressed in questions 4 and 5) is
requested. For workers in a healthcare or clinical setting, where the vaccination may be
mandated by a hospital or medical practice, the same accommodation considerations
must be made for any disability, medical, or religious exemption requests. People2.0
clients should work closely with each worksite facility to determine the proper
accommodation for each worker. A possible accommodation for a worker in a
healthcare or clinical setting could be limiting direct contact with patients or other
workers for individuals unable to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
8. If a worksite requires workers to be vaccinated, can eligible applicants be asked
about their vaccination status prior to submission for a job assignment.
Yes, where permitted by law, if the COVID-19 vaccine is a requirement for employees
reporting to a worksite, workers may be asked about their vaccination status. An
example of a question recruiters can ask to ascertain the vaccination status of workers
is below.
“This position with our client requires employees to report to work at a
physical location. As a cautionary measure, the client is asking all workers to
be fully vaccinated by the date of hire. If an eligible candidate is unable to get
the COVID-19 vaccine due to a religious, medical, or disability-related reason
we will explore the appropriate reasonable accommodation. Are you
currently fully vaccinated, or will you be fully vaccinated by the start date of
this assignment?”
9. If a worksite requires workers to be vaccinated, can employers ask workers to
provide confirmation of their vaccination status?
Based on current EEOC guidance, employers may ask workers to provide confirmation
of vaccination from a doctor, pharmacy, or other third party showing their vaccination
status. The ADA requires an employer to maintain the confidentiality of employee
medical information, including all documentation regarding the employee’s COVID-19
vaccination status. As a result, all information regarding an employee’s vaccination
status must be kept confidential.
10. What is the cost of the vaccine for workers?
Vaccine doses are purchased by the federal government and given to individuals at no
cost. If the vaccine is mandated by a worksite employer, the employer may be required
to cover vaccine-related costs, including paying the employee for the time spent getting
the vaccine. Many state-mandated COVID-19 sick leave laws require payment for time
off from work for purpose of getting vaccinated. A full list of these states and sick leave
requirements can be found in People2.0’s Employment Practice E-guide.
11. Many states are banning vaccine passports; how does that impact the workplace?
Vaccine passport bans have been enacted by many states to prevent businesses from
requiring their customers to provide proof of their COVID-19 vaccination status prior to
entry to their business. For example, in the state of Florida, businesses may not require
patrons to provide proof of their vaccination status. However, these bans do not
currently apply to the workplace and what employers can ask of their workers.
COVID-19 vaccine related forms
Pages 9-15 of this toolkit will cover forms to be provided to employees to ascertain their
vaccination status or engage in the interactive process for medical or religious exemption.
Please work with your People 2.0 onboarding representative or provide these forms to
workers as needed.
Self-Certification of COVID-19 Vaccination Status
This assignment with People2.0’s client requires workers to report to work at a physical
work location. In an effort to provide a safe workplace, People2.0’s client is asking all
workers to be fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine by the date of hire or date of return
to the workplace. For purposes of this certification, individuals are considered “fully
vaccinated” two weeks after completing the second dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine
or two weeks after receiving a single dose of a one-dose vaccine, as approved by the FDA
for use in the United States. If you have any questions, please contact your staffing
representative or email
Declaration of COVID-19 Vaccine Status
Are you currently fully vaccinated, or will you be fully vaccinated by the start date of
this assignment/return to work date? Please select one of the options below:
I am/ will be fully vaccinated
Where permitted by law, for workers that are fully vaccinated, People2.0 may request
confirmation of vaccination status (e.g., a copy of your vaccination card).
I have not been vaccinated
Please note, candidates or employees that have not been vaccinated may be subject to
requirements that are different from vaccinated employees, which may include rescinding
offer of employment or ending a current assignment, where permitted by law.
I decline to answer
If you decline to provide information about your vaccination status, we will assume
you are unvaccinated for purposes of rules or requirements in the workplace that
are different for vaccinated or unvaccinated employees, which may include
rescinding offer of employment or ending an existing assignment, as permitted by
law. *When responding, please do not submit any additional medical information.
Release of Vaccination Status
I authorize People2.0 to release my vaccination status and/or proof of vaccination to
an authorized representative of the client, where I am currently being considered
for assignment.
I decline the release of my vaccination status and/or proof of vaccination. I
understand that I am not required to authorize the release of this information.
However, refusing to do so may hinder People2.0’s ability to place me on
assignment at the client’s facility.
I understand that I am required to provide accurate information in response to the
question above and that failure to do so may result in a lack of further consideration or
disciplinary action if currently employed by People2.0. By signing below, I certify that I have
accurately and truthfully answered the questions above. I also understand that if I do not
follow the required safety protocols at the workplace, I am subject to disciplinary action, up
to and including termination.
Signature: _________________________ Date: _________________________
Request for Religious Accommodation - COVID-19 Vaccination
To request an accommodation for the COVID-19 vaccine required for your People2.0
assignment by law or by the facility where you are currently assigned, or being considered
for assignment, please complete this form and return it to your staffing representative.
This information will be used by your staffing representative, human resources, or other
appropriate personnel at the client facility to engage in an interactive process to determine
eligibility for and to identify possible accommodations. If you refuse to provide such
information, your refusal may impact the client’s ability to adequately understand your
request or effectively engage in the interactive process to identify possible
Name (print): _________________________________ Date:
Client/Worksite Name: ________________________ Job Title: ____________
Please explain in your own words why you are seeking a religious exemption, the religious
principles that guide your objection to immunization, and please indicate whether you are
opposed to all immunizations, and if not, the religious basis on which you object to COVID19 immunizations.
The client may need to obtain additional information and/or documentation about your
religious practice(s) or belief(s). We may need to discuss the nature of your religious
belief(s), practice(s), and accommodation with your religion’s spiritual leader (if applicable)
or religious scholars to address your request for an exception.
If requested, can you provide documentation to support your belief(s) and need for an
accommodation? _______ Yes ______ No
If no, please explain why:
Release of Request for Accommodation
I authorize People2.0 to release my request for accommodation and information
about my religious beliefs to an authorized representative of the client, where I am
currently assigned or being considered for assignment.
I decline the release of my request for accommodation. I understand that I am not
required to authorize the release of this information. However, refusing to do so
may hinder People2.0’s ability to place me on assignment or continue my current
assignment at the client facility.
• All requests for religious exemptions will be carefully considered, but approval is not
• An accommodation based on religious beliefs may not be granted if it is not
reasonable, if it poses a direct threat to the health and/or safety of others in the
workplace, or if it creates an undue hardship on the client.
• If granted an exemption, you may be required to undergo COVID-19 testing (the
frequency of the testing will be determined) in addition to observing all COVID-19
health and safety protocols.
• You may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, for failing
to follow the required safety protocols at the workplace,
• The exemption review process may take up to two weeks to complete.
I sincerely affirm that vaccination is contrary to my religious beliefs, and that my objections
to this vaccination are not based solely on grounds of personal philosophy, preference, or
inconvenience. I understand that I am required to provide accurate information in
response to the question above and that failure to do so may result in a lack of further
consideration or disciplinary action if currently employed by People2.0. By signing below, I
certify that I have accurately and truthfully answered the questions above. I understand
that my request for an accommodation may not be granted if it is not reasonable, if it
poses a direct threat to the health and/or safety of others in the workplace and/or to me,
or if it creates an undue hardship on the company. I also understand that if I do not follow
the required safety protocols at the workplace, I am subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination.
Signature: ___________________________ Date: ________________________
Confidentiality of Information Provided:
Requests for exemptions and any documents provided will be kept confidential and shared
only with those People2.0 and client staff who have a need to know.
Request for Medical Accommodation - COVID-19 Vaccination
To request an accommodation for the COVID-19 vaccine required for your People2.0
assignment by law or by the facility where you are currently assigned, or being considered
for assignment, please complete this form, and return it to your staffing representative.
This information will be used by your staffing representative, human resources, or other
appropriate personnel at the client facility to engage in an interactive process to determine
eligibility for and to identify possible accommodations. If you refuse to provide such
information, your refusal may impact the client’s ability to adequately understand your
request or effectively engage in the interactive process to identify possible
Please note the following:
• A medical exemption may be granted upon receipt of a completed form (below) not
more than six months old, signed and certified by a licensed healthcare provider,
not related to the submitter, and whose specialty is appropriate to the associated
• Medical exemptions expire when the medical condition(s) contraindicating COVID19 vaccination changes in a manner which permits vaccination.
• All requests for medical exemptions will be carefully considered, but approval is not
• An accommodation based on a medical condition may not be granted if it is not
reasonable, if it poses a direct threat to the health and/or safety of others in the
workplace, or if it creates an undue hardship on the client.
• If granted an exemption, you may be required to undergo COVID-19 testing (the
frequency of the testing will be determined) in addition to observing all COVID-19
health and safety protocols.
• You may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, for failing
to follow the required safety protocols at the workplace,
• The exemption review process may take up to two weeks to complete.
Please complete Section 1 on the next page and have your medical provider complete
Section 2 before returning this form to your staffing representative.
Section 1 – Employee
Name (print): ______________________ Date: _______________________
Client/Worksite Name: _______________________ Job Title: ____________
I am requesting a medical exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine mandated by local, state
or federal law or by People2.0’s client where I am currently assigned or being considered
for an assignment. I verify that the information I am submitting to substantiate my request
for exemption from the vaccination requirement is true and accurate to the best of my
knowledge. I understand that any falsified information can lead to disciplinary action, up to
and including termination.
Employee Signature: ___________________ Date: __________________
Release of Request for Accommodation
I authorize People2.0 to release my request for accommodation and the applicable
medical information (Section 2) to an authorized representative of the client, where I
am currently assigned or being considered for assignment.
I decline the release of my request for accommodation and medical information. I
understand that I am not required to authorize the release of this information.
However, I also understand that refusing to do so may hinder People2.0’s ability to
place me on assignment or continue my current assignment at the client’s facility.
I understand that I am required to provide accurate information in response to the
question above and that failure to do so may result in a lack of further consideration or
disciplinary action if currently employed by People2.0. By signing below, I certify that I have
accurately and truthfully answered the questions above.
Signature: ________________________ Date: ________________________
Confidentiality of Information Provided:
Requests for exemptions and any documents provided will be kept confidential and shared
only with those People2.0 and client staff who have a need to know.
Section 2 – Medical Provider
Medical Certification for COVID-19 Vaccination Exemption
Employee Name: _________________________________________________
Dear Medical Provider,
The individual named above is seeking an exemption to this policy due to a medical reason.
Please complete this form to assist with the reasonable accommodation process.
The person named above should not receive the COVID-19 vaccine due to:
This exemption should be:
Temporary, expiring on: __/__/____, or when _________________________________
I certify the above information to be true and accurate, and request exemption from the
COVID-19 vaccination for the above-named individual.
Medical Provider Name (print): _____________________________________________
Medical Provide Signature: _________________________ Date: _______________________
Practice Name and Address:
Provider Phone:
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